Category: Freemasonry

RIP Papa Grubb

Today, I mourn for my Brother, Phillip Dewayne Grubb, aka "P.D.", aka "Papa Grubb." Papa Grubb was a Harrison Lodge Brother of mine and also the father of two other Harrison Lodge Brothers of mine, Phil and James.

Papa Grubb was a fine man. James was the M...

Andy Barber

Duly Installed

Today, December 6, 2020, I was installed as Worshipful Master of Harrison Lodge No. 114 F&AM of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. I am proud, honored and terrified to have been elected, by my friends and brothers, to this office. I will do my very best to serve this lod...

Andy Barber

A Mason

A Mason is a man who professes a faith in God. As a man of faith, he uses the tools of moral and ethical truths to serve mankind.

A Mason binds himself to like-minded men in a Brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, social, cultural, and educatio...

Andy Barber

Why is he called "Worshipful Master?"

Masonry began in England in the days when the beautiful old Cathedrals were being built. The craftsmen who designed those magnificent buildings, and those who built them, organized themselves into lodges. Each lodge elected a Master to head the group and other officers ...

Andy Barber

Busy, Great, and Crappy Year

This year started off pretty good. In January, Christopher had his 23rd birthday and I received the Royal Arch degree in the York Rite. That was a very nice degree. February was pretty uneventful.

In March, I attended the annual communication of the Grand L...

Andy Barber

So Much Going On

Wow, where to start? How about a list... here we go...

• Melissa's mom has had rough time, but is very much still alive and kicking. Strong lady right there.
• Cathy is employed again, no thanks to our spineless DA, Neal Pinkston. David is too!

Andy Barber

St. John the Evangelist

In approximately 6AD, was the birth of John; who was to become known as Saint John the Evangelist. He was the son of Zebedee and Salome and the younger brother of James and raised on the shores of Galilee. It is thought that he and James were not raised in poverty.

Andy Barber

St. John the Baptist

Approximately six months before the birth of Jesus Christ, was the birth of Elisabeth and Zachariah's son, John. Mary had gone to the home of Elisabeth and Zachariah to visit. Luke 1:41 states:

"And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the s...

Andy Barber

Continuing My Journey

Tomorrow is the Spring Reunion for the Scottish Rite of Chattanooga. There, I will receive my 4th-32nd degrees. This is a lot different than the anticipation before my 1st-3rd degrees. Before, I had a small idea about what to expect. This time, I have no idea what to ex...

Andy Barber

Andy Barber

Genealogy of Harrison Lodge No. 114 F&AM

This is a rough genealogy of Harrison Lodge No. 114 F&AM of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.

Lodge/Person Name - Charter/Birth Date - Notes
Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogent - c. 935
Fulcuich (Fulcois), Count of Perche - c. 965 - Count of Mortagne H...

Andy Barber

Grand Lodge 2017

Grand Lodge 2017! I attended the 203rd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee this week. It was fantastic meeting so many other brothers from so many other places. I lost count of the times I found myself shaking hands with one of the Grand officers and ha...

Andy Barber

3rd Lecture Complete

My 3rd lecture is complete. I decided a while back that I was going to attempt to learn my 3rd degree lecture without any other help. This means that I have no way to learn it other than going to 3rd degrees around my area. Well, tonight I finally turned in the lecture ...

Andy Barber

Back in mid-December, I was wracking my brain about how I might contribute a little more to the local Masonic community and it occurred to me that I might be able to help in the same way I have helped other organizations I have been interested. With those other organiza...

Andy Barber

Newly Elected

So, eight months and nine days after being initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, I have been elected as the Junior Deacon of Harrison Lodge #114 F&AM. I sincerely hope that I am able to do the job well and also hope I am able to prepare well for the next step in th...

Andy Barber

My Masonic Resume

Below is my masonic resume. This is not meant to be an "I love me" wall, or anything like that, mostly for reference. As you might imagine, it can be difficult to remember.

Harrison Lodge No. 114 F&a...

Andy Barber

Definitely Different

So, in case you haven't been able to tell from my previous posts or my webpage, in general, I am from Tennessee. As such, I am from a Mason Lodge in Tennessee. Specifically, I am from Harrison Lodge #114 F&AM, Harrison, TN. Harrison is a relatively small, unincorpor...

Andy Barber

3rd Degree

I received my 3rd degree two nights ago and WOW! Just wow. I am now, officially, a Master Mason. I think it will take a little bit for everything that transpired to sink in. Rest assured I will post more, but for now, I'm going to just say that my fraternity initiation ...

Andy Barber

Date Set for 3rd

The date for my 3rd degree is 6/10/2016. There was a lot of thought put into this date. My first degree was on 4/1, April Fool's day. My second degree was on 5/13, obviously, Friday the 13th. The challenge was finding a date in June that was equally interesting as t...

Andy Barber

2nd Lecture Complete

So, that just happened... my 2nd degree lecture is complete. I just went in to work on my 2nd lecture with my mentor and, although I thought I had it pretty well, my mentor thought it good enough to make me do it again with an audience and make it official. Now, it is j...

Andy Barber

Memory Work for MM

Last week, I started my memory work so that I may attain the 3rd degree in Freemasonry. So far, it is very easy compared to my last lecture. I should have this knocked out by the end of the week. Wish me luck!...

Andy Barber

2nd Degree

I received my 2nd degree tonight. It was everything everyone said it would be. Thus far, I have been impressed with the great care all of these gentlemen put into the degree work. This was especially true this evening. It was truly a pleasure to have been a part of it. ...

Andy Barber

Date Set for 2nd

The date for my 2nd degree is May 13, 2016. I have been told this is a very pretty degree. Pure excitement, not really nervous like in the 1st. Woohoo! ...

Andy Barber

1st Lecture Complete

I finished my 1st lecture for purposes of advancing to the 2nd or Fellow Craft degree. Heart was pounding, but I did very well, according to the committee. Now, I am just waiting for a 2nd degree date. I'm excited. ...

Andy Barber

Memory Work for FC

I have begun the memory work for advancement to the 2nd degree or Fellow Craft. So far, I have been able to retain much more than I thought possible. Hopefully this will continue to be the case. ...

Andy Barber

1st Degree

Tonight, I received my 1st degree in Masonry and became an Entered Apprentice tonight. It was absolutely everything I thought it would be and then some. I haven't experienced anything like that in a very long time… 23 years, to be exact. Looking forward to Fellow...

Andy Barber

Ritual Proficiency

Two days ago, I tested for my second level of ritual proficiency for Kappa Sigma... Grand Master. I received my first level of ritual proficiency, Grand Master of Ceremonies, in 1993. I have a plan to complete all six within the next year or so. It's funny... I thought ...

Andy Barber

A New Journey

Back in January, I began a new journey and petitioned Harrison, TN Lodge No. 114 F&AM for membership. It just feels like I should be more of service to people. I've known of the Masons and their service and have for many years. Being way past due, in making somethin...

Andy Barber

RIP Papa Grubb

Andy Barber

RIP Papa Grubb

Andy Barber

Merry Christmas 2023!

Andy Barber

My Websites

Andy Barber

New Website

Andy Barber

Happy 17th Anniversary!

Andy Barber